(English Translation)
FCI-Standard N° 214
TRANSLATION: Mrs Peggy Davis. Official language (FR).
ORIGIN: Greece.
UTILIZATION: Hound with a fine sense of smell and of great resistance; he is an active hunter either alone or in a pack and responds completely in all terrains of lowland or mountains and even in the more rocky and unworkable terrains; his voice is resonant and harmonious.
FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 6 Scenthounds and related breeds.
Section 1.2 Medium sized Hounds. With working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Medium-sized dog, short-haired, black and tan, strong, vigorous, lively, keen.
HEAD: Long, its total length corresponds to the height at the withers as 4.35 : 10. The width of the skull must not be more than the half of the total length of the head, i.e. the total cephalic index must be less than 50. The upper lines of the skull and of the muzzle are divergent.
Skull: Its length is equal or little less than the length of the muzzle; of fairly flat shape. The occipital protuberance is only slightly protruding. Forehead quite broad. Medial furrow not very marked. Superciliary arches high.
Stop: Not very pronounced.
Nose: On the muzzle line, overhanging the forward vertical lip line, humid, mobile, black. Nostrils open.
Muzzle: Its length is equal or a little more than that of the skull. Nasal bridge straight or, in males, slightly arched.
Lips: Rather developed.
Jaws/Teeth: Strong jaws meeting perfectly either in scissor or pincer bite. Strong, white teeth.
EYES: Normal size, neither deep set nor prominent, brown colour with lively and intelligent expression.
EARS: Of medium length (almost half the length of the head), set on high, i.e. above the zygomatic arches, flat, rounded at the lower extremity and hanging vertically.
NECK: Powerful, muscled, without dewlap, descending harmoniously towards the shoulders. Its length corresponds to the total length of the head nearly as 6.5: 10.
BODY: The length of the body is 10% more than the height at the withers.
Topline: Straight, slightly convex at the loins. Withers: Slightly raised above the backline. Back: Long, straight.
Loin: Slightly arched, short, strong, well muscled. Croup: Long, broad, well muscled, slightly sloping.
Chest: Well developed, deep, let down at elbow level. Ribs slightly sprung.
Underline and belly: Lean, slightly tucked up.
TAIL: Not long, reaching at maximum the point of the hock; set rather high, thick at the root and tapering slightly towards its tip; in movement carried sabre-fashion.
General appearance: Good straight legs seen from the front and in profile, well muscled and robust.
Shoulder: Sloping, well muscled and close to the thorax.
Arm: Oblique, muscular, robust. Forearm: Straight, long, well boned. Pastern joint: Lean, not prominent.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Of sufficient length, strong, rather straight, never hollow.
Forefeet: Rounded, compact; strong toes, close, arched; strong nails, curvec, black; pads large, hard, tough.
General appearance: Well straight and vertical seen from behind and in profile; well muscled and robust.
Thigh: Long, strong, well muscled. Leg: Slanted, long, strong.
Hock joint: Lean, strong, medium height, bent.
Hock: Strong, lean, quite long, almost straight, without dewclaws. Hind feet: Same as the forefeet.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Swift and light.
Hair: Short, dense, a little hard, close fitting.
Colour: Black and tan. A small white patch on the chest is tolerated. The visible mucous membranes, the nose and the nails black.
Height at the withers: For males: 47-55 cm.
For females: 45-53 cm. Tolerance of more or less 2 cm.
Weight: 17-20 kg.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
• Muzzle short and broad.
• Ears too long or too short, pointed, twisted.
• Neck too short.
• Upper line convex or concave.
• Loins flat, narrow.
• Croup short, narrow, not sloping.
• Lower line very let down or too drawn up.
• Tail long, heavy, curly.
• Pastern and hocks too short or too long, thin, hollow.
• Cow-or barrel hocks.
• Harefeet.
• Aggressive or overly shy.
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities.
• Convergence of the upper longitudinal axes of the skull and the nasal bridge.
• Nasal bridge concave, muzzle very pointed.
• Over-or undershot mouth.
• Ears semi-erect.
• Tail curved up.
• Legs out of vertical.
• Dewclaws.
• Other colour that the specified for the coat, the nose, the eyes and the nails.
• Total depigmentation of the visible mucous membranes.
• Height at the withers over or under the indications of the standard.
General appearance 20
Head (skull and muzzle) 15
Eyes 5
Ears 5
Neck 5
Body 15
Legs 20
Tail 5
Coat 10
100 points
Excellent: points not less than 90 points
Very good: points not less than 80 points
Good: points not less than 70 points
Fair: points not less than 60 points
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.
(English Translation)
ORIGIN: Greece, Crete Island
UTILIZATION: Hound used from centuries for the hunting of small and medium sized game, mostly for hare.
FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 5: Spitz and Primitive types.
Section 7: Primitive type - Hunting Dogs
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Ancient Dog, originating from Crete Island. Its origin is testified by a large number of artworks representation found in prehistoric settlements of Crete before the Minoan culture (3.200-1700 B.C.).
Sealing stones, ceramic and metallic utensils, ornamental objects, sculptures and frescos of continuous historic periods give unchanged the figure of the Cretan Hound (Museum of Heraklion).
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Primitive type hound of medium size, slim, athletic, fast. Short coated, with long legs, rectangular body, wedge-shaped head, curled tail.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. Chest can reach the elbow level. Legs are longer as the depth of the chest. The length of the muzzle is slightly shorter or equal to the length of the skull.
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Smart, noble, dashing in hunting, persistent, brave, and with endurance. Mild, obedient, excellent companion and much attached with family. They can be reserved with the strangers but never aggressive. He searches using all senses following scent by ground and air, flushes out the game and pursuits rushing with exceptional agility. Gives tongue, sharp and rather low volume at the visual detection of the game and its pursuit. In ancient times he was considered to be excellent at hunting deer, wild boar and bear.
Skull: Trapezoid shape. Top of the skull is slightly curved and wide. Seen from profile the skull is rather flat. Bridge bones are medium developed. The length of the skull is slightly longer than the width of the skull.
Wedge shaped head, elongated. Cranial axes nearly parallel. Seen from the front, skull is slightly curved, quite wide, with smooth but visible stop; frontal furrow is marked between the eyes and progressively decreasing towards the top of the skull. Occiput is slightly pronounced.
Stop: Smooth but visible.
Nose: Quite big, dump, elastic and with well opened nostrils. Dark colored nose is to be preferred. In brown colored specimens a dark brown nose is accepted.
Muzzle: The muzzle is slightly shorter or equal to the skull. Wedge shaped, relatively big with straight bridge nose tapering smoothly towards the nose.
Lips: Lips are thin, tight and black, without slackness.
Jaws/Teeth: Strong jaws with complete normal dentition. Scissors bite. Level bite accepted. Teeth well developed and healthy, the opening of the mouth and lips is deep.
Cheeks: Slightly curved, converging straight forward.
Eyes: Medium sized, slightly almond shaped, placed forward and slightly oblique. The color of the eyes should be dark. Good pigmentation of eyelids.
Ears: “V” shaped, slightly rounded at the tip. Medium sized, triangular, wide at the base, high and slightly sideways set, pointing forward.
Skin must be thin, with very high mobility, lively half erect or erect. Depending on the situation, the dog moves them, turning them to the sides or back, folds them touching the neck (rose ears). Cropping is forbidden.
NECK: Dry neck, strong, slightly arched.
Top line: Broken top line, the second part slightly convex.
Withers: Well marked, visible withers.
Back: Strong, very well sustained in movement, with moderate muscle definition
Loin: Loins are strong, with good muscle definition, with length nearly equal to the depth.
Croup: Moderately long, not too wide, never sloppy (between 40°- 45° angle), with good muscle definition but not exaggerated. The top of iliac bones is slightly visible.
Chest: Enough deep, reaching the elbow, moderately wide, ring ribs but never too rounded. The brisket must be oval in section with well sprigged ribs, but never barrel-shaped, giving though enough space for the lungs. Well-developed fore chest.
Underline and belly: Tucked up underline but not exaggerated (whippety)
TAIL: Middle height set, reaches almost the hocks. It is wide at the base, thinning down towards the end. Carried upwards in a curve, half circle or curved on the rear with a moderate hook at the end. When at ease it is let down and is straight without distortions.
FOREQUARTERS: Long shoulder blades, laid back, muscular but not bulky. Upper arm is nearly equal to scapula with a moderate scapula-humeral angle. Limbs are straight, sinewy and long, with oval shaped, strong but not heavy bones. Strong carpus but not too wide, metacarpus is elastic and slightly inclined.
General appearance: Forelegs straight and parallel.
Shoulder: Shoulder strong, long and well laid back.
Upper arm: Well developed, making a moderate angle with the blade.
Elbow: Elbows close to the body, never going in or out.
Carpus (Wrist): Strong and thick.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Strong Pasterns, seen from the side slightly oblique.
Forefeet: Big feet, oval shaped, with long and strong toes and strong pads with curved and strong nails.
General appearance: Strong and muscular. Limbs parallel when viewed from behind.
Thigh: Well developed with good muscles, wide, of a good length.
Stifle (Knee): Moderate bend of stifle.
Lower thigh: Lower thigh well developed.
Hock joint: Strong, stable in movement.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Straight, not too wide, perpendicular to the ground.
Hind feet: Oval but a little bit longer than the front feet, with strong toes and nails and well developed pads. Dewclaws are highly undesirable.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: The movement is light, effortless, fast and gracious stride with smooth steps, without crossing of the legs. The dog has the tendency to a quick change from the elastic/springy trot in a low speed to a fast gallop, having great ease to change directions.
SKIN: Thin, quite tight, durable, without wrinkles and looseness, with good pigmentation.
Hair: Smooth, hard, totally straight, dense, very short and thin at the head, ears and lower part of the body, slightly longer at the crest of the neck, the rear and the tail. Length must not be longer than 2,5 cm but not shorter than 1,5 cm on the body. The hair is longer on the tail.
Color: All colors from white to black are acceptable as well as any combinations.
Height at the withers: Males: 54-58 cm Females: 52-56cm (with a tolerance of 2 cm).
Weight: Males: 16-22 kg Females: 14-20 kg
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Severe depigmentation of nose, eyelids and lips.
• Albinism.
• Over or undersized length of coat under 1,5 cm. or longer than 2,5 cm.
• Overshot or undershot bites.
• Aggressive or overly shy dogs
• Dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• Untypical specimen.
• Overshot or undershot Bites more than 2 mm.
• Dewclaws.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding.
(English Translation)
FCI Group 2.
USE: PROTECTION of herds and property
The Greek Sheepdog belongs to the Mastiff-type group of sheepdogs; Group 2; Section 2.2; of the Federation Cynologique Internationale.
A sturdy dog of strong and well muscled construction. Capable of constant herd guarding and protection work under diverse weather conditions, at rough terrain and with little food requirements. Equally capable of either chasing away or fighting with the herd threatening wild animals.
Typical movement is the normal trot. Movement must be free and steady when trotting, changing effortlessly to gallop with turning ability. Head carriage is low during trot.
The Greek Shepherd dog lives harmoniously with the herd and protects it fiercely when threatened.
It is a slow maturing breed, with good health, longevity and of strong sexual dimorphism, especially in body substance between male and female specimens.
Females are more social and show strong maternal instinct.
The breed descends from the ancient Greek Molosser type shepherds, developed through the centuries with the use of other shepherd type dogs living on Greek territory.
Today the breed is regarded as a primitive mountain type shepherd, of mainly guarding use.
The head is voluminous. Muzzle - skull ratio 2:3. Stop not too pronounced. The skull is slightly domed. The width of the skull is almost equal to its length. The superciliary arches are prominent. The occipital protuberance is well defined.
The muzzle is wide and deep, especially near the skull, tapering gradually to the nose, but never pointed. Nose is black with wide nostrils. The cheeks are flat and deep. Zygomatic arches well defined.
Complete dentition, strong teeth with developed canines. Scissor or level bite. Lips covering teeth are thick and slightly loose.
Of medium size, triangular, heart shaped, set at the level of the outer corner of the eyes. Placed flat over cheeks or slightly out, revealing their inner side. The ear skin is thick and covered by thick coat. When the dog is alert, ears are slightly raised forward, thus enhancing expression. Ear cropping is not allowed and cropped dogs are not allowed to be shown at dog shows.
Of medium size, oval shaped, symmetrically placed, well apart. Seen from the side they are placed approximately at the level of the stop. Of chestnut colour, darker shades preferred. Eyelids tight, not showing haw. The expression is serious, calm and penetrating.
Strong, wide, well muscled, of medium length. Neck skin is loose, forming a small dewlap.
Shoulders muscular and well attached. Shoulder blades oblique. Scapula-humerus angle is medium. Forearm straight, heavily boned and well muscled. Elbows placed parallel to chest, allowing for free chest movement. Pasterns strong and elastic.
Chest wide and deep, reaching the elbows. Ribs well sprung and arched - not excessively - offering enough space for heart and lungs. The back is level, broad, of medium length and well muscled. Underline with slight tuck up, but still strong and deep in loin area.
Loin is wide, short, well muscled and slightly arched. Croup is wide and moderately sloping. Hip bones strong and prominent.
Upper thigh long, broad and very muscular. Stifle and hock joints are strong and of medium angulation, seen from the side. Second thigh of medium length. Hocks low set. Metatarsus is short, robust and vertical, when standing. Hindquarters must be strong boned and vertical, seen from behind. The presence or absence of dewclaws is not important and of no genetic value.
Feet are oval in shape, tight with hard and harsh nails, of big size. The medial membrane is well developed and the toes are long and curved.
The tail is thick at its base, set high and reaches the hock forming a curve and a small reversal at its extremity. When the dog is alert and moves the tail rises and forms a semi-circle over the croup. The tail is covered with abundant hair and has a rich feathering. There might be some dogs with natural short tail or natural stumpy tail that are equally acceptable and breeding with the dogs with long tails is desirable to establish the breed as long as this is not genetically related with health problems.
Dense and rich with thick hair and double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense and the top coat is longer with straight or slightly wavy hair.
Curly coat is not desirable. Coat is more at the back of the thighs. There are two coat variations acceptable, the short hair and the long hair. Male dogs have a mane. Female dogs can have a shorter coat. .
The skin is hard but elastic.
The basic colours are black, fawn, white and multicolour. In black dogs there are sometimes brown highlights and white markings in chest, neck, end of muzzle and extremities. Also there can be red or brindle areas on the cheeks, chest, over the eyes and on the legs. In fawns the colour varies from shades of light to dark fawn and brindle. In light fawn dogs and brindles it is possible to have black on the muzzle or presence of white on the muzzle or extremities. In multicolour dogs the white is dominant and we can see big or small patches or markings of fawn, brindle or black colour. If there are spots on the head it’s preferable to be symmetric. Another accepted colour is the blue. All colours are equally accepted.
Independent, brave, decisive, loyal with high sense of his duty and high instinct of protection towards the flock and his environment. A sensitive dog that cannot tolerate violent behaviour. In packs he can fight to establish hierarchy. Capable of acting on his own. Reserved and distant with strangers. Highly active at nights. He fights off predators from the flock. Highly trainable, needs early socialization so he can live harmoniously with people and other animals.
Height at withers males: 66-75cm
females: 60-68cm
Weight always in proportion with the height males: 40-55Kgr
females: 32-40Kgr
• A pointed and long muzzle
• Discoloration of the nose
• Tight lips-
• Light colored eyes
• Entropion or loose eyelids
• Too small or too big ears placed too high on the head
Cropped ears
• Undershot or overshoAbsence of teeth when not accounted for by damage of old age
• Narrow and long scull
• Cow hocked or bow legged
• Weak and small feet
• Weak pasterns and hocks
• Narrow skeleton and light construction of the body
• Weak and long back that shows an intense curve from the withers to the hip bones
• Lymphatic body appearance
• Thin tail
• Lack of coat
• Curly coat
• Brown colour
• Body size that exceeds or is below the standard height and weight in mature dogs over two years of age
• Dogs that are nervous or excessively aggressive
Note: Males must have two well developed normal testicles well placed in the scrotum.
(English Translation)
Greek. Can be found in many regions of Greece.
Guard and drover of herds. Suitable as a guard dog.
Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs).
Section 1 Sheepdogs.
Without working trial.
Large dog, aristocratic and gentle. With a dry muscular physique, strong body and bone structure, however, without being heavy. With relatively long limbs adding space under the body. Long coat. Agile and fast.
Width of skull slightly less than its length and length of muzzle less than the length of the skull. Length of body slightly longer than its height at the withers.
Capable guardian of herds and grounds. Dynamic, intelligent, bold. Friendly with people of its environment.
Large, conical shaped. Carried above the topline, whether dog is standing or moving.
Skull: Strong, long with sides relatively level. Topline of the skull relatively level. Superciliary ridge and occiput slightly pronounced. Frontal furrow slightly pronounced.
Stop: Slightly defined, relatively shallow.
Nose: Black, moist with wide nostrils.
Muzzle: Its length is shorter than the length of the skull. With good width at its base, it progressively tapers to the nose, without ever becoming pinched. Nasal bridge is straight.
Lips: Tight, covering the teeth, with its outline always black. Medium thickness.
Jaws / Teeth: Strong jaws, well developed, with a perfect, regular and complete bite and full dentition. Scissor bite.
Eyes: Medium to small in size, almond shaped, slightly obliquely placed. The colour of the iris is dark or light chestnut. The rims of the eyelids must be tight showing no haw. Dark pigmentation of the eye rims is preferred.
Ears: Hanging set rather high, medium in size, triangular, with rounded tips. Mobile. Fall flat against the head. When dog is alert the base of the ears rise.
Neck: Medium length, muscular, strong, held above the topline of the body. Without dewlap. Covered by thick, long hair, forming a mane, especially in the males.
General Appearance: Strong body, muscular and well developed. The length of the body is slightly longer than its height at the withers.
Topline: Straight, horizontal, strong, with a slightly arched pelvis.
Withers: Placed higher than the level of the topline and wide apart.
Back: Level, strong, medium sized.
Loin: Muscular, broad, slightly arched.
Croup: Slightly sloping, broad and muscular.
Chest: Deep, with breadth, brisket reaching the elbow. With well developed and well sprung ribs.
Underline and belly: Slightly curved underline of ribcage with distinct belly tuck up.
Tail: Set not very high on croup. Its length reaches the hock joint. Covered by profuse hair, particular the underside. Carried low when dog is at ease, in action is often carried above the level of the topline, but never curled. Length of tail hair 14-15 cm. The tail must not be docked.
Limbs: Front Limbs: Straight and parallel, seen from the front. Long limbs. With «dry» muscle tone.
Shoulder: Medium laid back and long. Muscular, well placed against the body.
Upper Arm: Medium length, muscular, at an angle to the elbow. Well placed against the body
Elbows: Fitting close to the brisket. Must never turn outwards or inwards.
Forequarters: Straight, strong, vertical and compact.
Metacarpus (Front Pastern): Medium length, strong, slight sloping forward when viewed from the side.
Forefeet: Slightly rounded in shape, compact, with tight and slightly arched toes, black pads, strong and hard nails, black or various shades of gray.
Rear Limbs: Rear limbs straight, vertical and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear, strong and muscular.
Thigh: Long, with good depth and well muscled. The angulation between croup and thigh is relatively wide.
Stifle: Slight bent of stifle.
Femur: Medium length, muscular and strong.
Hock Join: Strong and dry.
Metatarsus (Rear Pastern): Vertical, straight, compact, medium length. With or without dewclaws.
Hind Feet: Same shape as the front feet, slightly more rounded.
Gait – movement: Extended strides with free and smooth movement, which is never heavy.
Skin: Medium thickness, elastic, tight, never loose or hanging. Pigmentation of lips and pads are black.
Hair: Long coat, thick, straight and slightly harsh feel with profuse undercoat. Short and thick coat on the head and the front of the limbs, length approximately 1-2 cm. Longer coat on the body and the back of the limbs, length approximately 9-12 cm and even longer on the tail and neck, forming a mane around the neck, especially on the males, with a length of 14-25 cm.
Colour: Pure white. Acceptable, but not preferable, lemon shading only on the ears.
Height: Males: 68-75 cm. Females: 65-72 cm.
Weight in accordance and in balance to the height of the dog, giving the appearance of a strong dog but not heavy.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Serious Faults: Very pronounced stop, yellow, large or round eyes, loose lips, dewlap, cropped ears, curly coat, very short coat, flat ribs, short tail, cowhocks or divergent hocks, sway back, weak croup.
Disqualifying Faults: Overshot or undershot jaw, entropion, ectropion, lack of tail, any colour apart from that stipulated by the standard, lack of pigmentation and missing many teeth, phobic or aggressive temperament.
NB : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
(English translation)
ORIGIN: Greece and especially Epirus and the surrounding mountain areas.
UTILIZATION : pastoral and guardian from predators such as jackals, wolves and bears; a role that he has been playing for thousands of years.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer type dogs
- Molossoid and mountain breeds
-Swiss Mountain and Cattle-Dogs.
Section 2.2 Molossoid breeds, mountain type
Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Dog of big size and moderate proportions; sturdy; strongly built with strong bones ; with big head and coat of medium length; of even disposition but can become dynamic.
• the ration between the length of the muzzle and the length of the skull should be 4:6
• the width of the skull should be equal or greater then its length.
• The length of the body (from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock) should be greater than the height at the withers.
Intelligent ,loyal, devoted and attached to its owner and the flock; friendly to the people of his social milieu and quite capable of protecting, when necessary, the flock or the property that it guards.
HEAD: Big , strong, deep, rectangular. Seen from above, the skull and the muzzle have almost the same shape and width, without any significant decrease between the width of the mandible and the the width of the temporal region. The topline of the muzzle and the upper outline of the skull should be slightly diverging.
In movement it is kept on the level of the topline.
Skull: Big, strong, wide and slightly curved, when seeing from the side. The width of the skull equals or exceeds its length. The superciliary ridges are pronounced. The furrow is moderately pronounced. The occipital protuberance is pronounced.
Stop: Moderately pronounced and evident.
Nose: Large, broad, black.
Muzzle: In profile it is straight; seen from above, it is of rectangular shape, slightly narrowing towards the nose.
Lips: Sufficiently thick; the upper lip is big enough enough to cover the lower lip which has loose membranes; towards the corner of the mouth they form flews. The edge of the lips should be black.
Jaws / Teeth: Strong and wide jaws; black gums; complete and correct dentition; Scissors bite with white strong teeth and big canines.
Eyes: Relatively small, almond-shaped, of dark or light brown colour with the edge of the lids being black. With intelligent and gentle expression. The lower lids are slightly loose, especially when the dog is resting.
Ears: Medium-sized, triangular, flat, set above the level of the eye; in repose they hang close to the cheeks but when alert, they move away from them. The ears must not be cropped.
NECK: Conic-shaped, strong, compact, muscular and agile; not too long, with thick and loose skin; it forms dewlap.
General appearance: Rectangular, compact, strong, broad; the length of the body is greater than the height at the withers.
Topline: Straight and level, either in movement or when standing .
Withers: Well-defined.
Back: Straight, strong and muscular.
Loin: Of medium length , broad, muscular
Croup: Broad, strong, well-muscled, of medium length; moderately sloping from the haunches to the root of the tail.
Chest: Broad and deep, reaching lower than the elbows, well-muscled and strong. The forechest is pronounced. The ribs are moderately rounded, well-spread and having enough space among them.
Underline and Belly: The underline is almost level and slightly tucked up in the abdominal area.
TAIL: Moderately set ; thick at its root, reaching the hock joint; with feathering at its lower part; carried low in repose but when in movement or alert it is carried level with the back, curved at its tip. The tail should not be cropped.
FOREQUARTERS : Seen from the front, the forelegs are straight, vertical and parallel; strong bones with powerful pasterns.
Shoulder blade : Long, laid-back, with well developed muscles; it forms an obtuse angle (scapulohumeral joint) of (approximately) 110 degrees with the humerus .
Upper Arm (Humerus) : Muscular, strong; its length is slightly shorter than the length of the shoulder blade.
Elbow : Regularly placed, close to the chest; The angle between the upper arm and the forearm is of approximately 130 – 135 degrees.
Forearm : Straight, vertical, with strong bones and well-muscled.
Pastern (metacarpus) : Strong; slightly sloping when seen from the side.
Forefeet : Large, “cat's toes”, with firm, strong and arched toes. Soles solid and black; strong nails.
HINDQUARTERS : Strong, powerful, muscular.
Upper thigh : Strong, broad and well-muscled.
Stifle : The knee joint is very broad without turning inwards or outwards.
Lower high : Long, well-muscled and strong
Hock (tarsal) joint : strong, with an open angle.
Metatarsus : Well-defined, straight and parallel when seen from behind; with single or double dewclaws; in animals of equal value, the ones bearing double dewclaws should be preferred.
Hindfeet : Same as the forefeet, slightly more round.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Powerful and free when trotting ; in pacing the movement is slow and heavy.
SKIN: Abundant, thick and elastic; all the visible mucous membranes must be black.
Hair : Thick, dense, straight, of medium length; it is short on the head, ears and legs, longer on the body where it reaches 5-6 cm. In the inner part is slightly longer; with dense and soft undercoat.
Colour : Solid colours such as red, blond, yellow, black, black and tan, black and brindle, wolf's colour , deer colour, with all their shades and varieties; with or without black mask; a small patch of white on the chest and white patches on the tip of the toes are acceptable but not desirable; the less the white, the better.
Height : Males 66 – 75 cm.
Females 64 – 74 cm.
Weight : In accordance with the size of the dog, giving the impression of a strong and robust animal.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree
Serious faults : Parallel or converging upper lines of the skull and the muzzle, narrow or very long muzzle, yellow eyes, ears set very high or cropped, thin and long neck, weak skeletal structure, height at the croup greater than the height at the withers, length of coat on the body longer than 8 cm, wavy or curly coat, loose or curved back, body without substance, cow hocks, tail curled on the back or short, large white markings dispersed on the body.
Eliminating faults : Overshot or undershot bite, entropion, ectropion, bobtail , white-coloured with patches of various colours, unpigmented visible mucous membranes and lack of several teeth, overly shy or aggressive behaviour.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
(English Translation)
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: A breed of ancient origin; numerous representations which can be found on potteries, statues, statuettes, figurines, coins, offer testimony of his existence and his close relationship to the ancient Greek family, while references in various texts point out the continuous presence of this breed throughout Greece.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Dog of small size; the body length is greater than its height at the withers. The coat is short at the head and on the front side of the limbs, moderately longer around the neck and the body and even longer on the buttock and the tail (feathered). The head is triangular with drooping ears. The tail is curved, forming a semicircle and moves fast and lively.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers . The length of the muzzle is shorter than the length of the skull and the width of the skull is slightly smaller than its length.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Lively, cheerful, smart, loyal.
HEAD: In proportion to the body.
Skull: Moderately domed when seen either from the front or from above; its width is always smaller than its length; the sides (temporal bones) are moderately developed and level; the occipital bone (protuberance) is slightly visible; the superciliary arches are slightly pronounced.
Stop: Slightly pronounced, shallow.
Nose: Medium sized, flat, black, with open nostrils.
Muzzle: The length of muzzle is shorter than the skull, wedge-shaped, tapering gradually from its base to the tip of the nose.
Lips: Moderately thin , tight, black coloured.
Jaws/Teeth: Well-developed jaws with normal dentition; scissor bite.
Eyes: Medium sized and almond-shaped; tight eyelids; the colour of the eyes is dark brown.
Ears: Triangular, medium-sized, dropped, mobile. set relatively high, above the level of the eyes and are covered by short coat. Some specimens have longer coat on the outer side of the ear, from its base to the middle of the leather.
NECK: of medium length, slightly arched, with firm skin, covered by longer coat, especially in males.
General appearance: robust, well built, balanced, with the length of the body longer than the height at withers.
Topline: Level, strong.
Withers: Slightly pronounced.
Back: Level, firm; in movement is kept steady.
Loin: Of medium length, strong and firm.
Croup: Strong, broad, slightly sloping.
Chest: Deep, broad, well-spread; the forechest is pronounced.
Underline and Belly: The underline is relatively straight; moderately tucked up belly.
The tail is carried high forming a semicircle while its tip touches the back; it’s covered by abundant, bushy hair; in repose or when standing still, it can be carried low, without it being a mistake.
FOREQUARTERS: Straight, parallel, the forefeet may be turned slightly outwards.
Shoulder: Long and well-sloping; moderately muscled, firmly joined to the thorax.
Upper arm: Good-sized, sloping, the humerous is slightly shorter than the shoulder blade.
Elbow: Situated near the body and well joined with it, it turns neither inwards nor outwards.
Forearms: Straight, of moderate length, the back of the arm is covered by longer coat.
Metacarpus (Pastern): flexible, short, strong, slightly sloping to the front when seen from the side.
Forefeet: small, roundish, slightly arched with strong nails. They may be turned slightly outwards in some specimens.
HINDEQUARTERS: Strong, muscular, the hind legs are straight and parallel.
Upper thigh: Strong, of good length, broad .
Stifle: Strong with moderate angulation.
Lower thigh: Strong, of good length and moderately broad.
Hock joint: Well let down.
Metatarsal: Straight and vertical.
Hindfeet: Same as the forefeet; slightly shorter and more arched.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: Free, fast, soft, with strong drive of the hindquarters.
SKIN: Elastic and firm all over the body; never loose.
COAT: Double coat.
Hair: Outer coat is long, thin straight or slightly wavy; the undercoat is short and thick; the head, part of the leathers or the whole ear and the frontal side of the limbs are covered by short and flat coat of 1 cm; on the neck and on the body the coat is longer and relatively flat of about 4-8 cm; the tail and the rear side of the buttocks is covered by coat of 8 – 14 cm.
Colours: All colours and their combinations are acceptable.
Height: males 24- 28 cm
females 23- 27 cm
Weight 4 – 8 kilogramms
A tolerance of +/- 1 cm is allowed to the aforementioned limits.
Short coat in other places than the ones mentioned in the standard; harsh coat; lack of undercoat; flat skull; very pronounced stop; arched muzzle; round and big eyes; light- coloured eyes; loose back (topline); exceeding the height limit more than 3 cm; unpigmented mucous; cow hocks; cropped tail.
Overshot mouth; Undershot mouth; Apple shaped skull; Erect ears; Entropion; Lack of tail; Curly coat.